A slap in the face of India
But Manmohan Singh is unmoved
On Monday, May 24, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh defended his decision to resume bilateral dialogue with Pakistan at the Foreign Secretary and Foreign Minister level. This decision, announced at Thimpu where Manmohan Singh met Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on the sidelines of the SAARC Summit, flies in the face of public opinion in India. It proves that Manmohan Singh’s grovelling capitulation at Sharm el-Sheikh, where he agreed to delink Pakistan’s yet-to-be-fulfilled promise to act against anti-India Islamist terrorist groups operating out of territory under Islamabad’s control from the resumption of the ‘composite’ bilateral dialogue which had been suspended after 26/11, was no mistake. He did with the purpose of resuming talks without securing India’s national interest; he did it under American pressure; and, he did it knowing full well that he does not have mandate to do so.
At his May 24 Press conference Manmohan Singh defended his decision to resume dialogue with the Pakistani political-military-jihad alliance by insisting:
a. India cannot but seek peace and better relations with its “largest neighbour” (which is bunkum, not least because Pakistan is not India’s ‘largest’ neighbour);
b. India cannot progress economically unless it has “resolved” all issues with Pakistan (which is not true as India’s growth has been independent of its relations with its rogue, terror-sponsoring neighbour); and,
c. India must reduce the “trust deficit” that stands in the way of better relations with Pakistan (which is hogwash because the ‘trust deficit’ is of Pakistan’s account and it is for Pakistanis to reduce it).
Expectedly, the Left-liberal section of Delhi’s commentariat waxed eloquent while heaping praise on Manmohan Singh for discounting national interest in pursuit of peace with Pakistan. Our self-seeking middleclass, which is obsessed with furthering its own wellbeing at the expense of India’s wellbeing, of course, is unable to fathom the consequences of Manmohan Singh’s disastrous decision. Arun Jaitley did make a valiant attempt to highlight the folly of the Prime Minister’s action, but his other senior colleagues in the party, especially Leader of Opposition Sushma Swaraj, maintained a strange, inexplicable silence.
On Tuesday, May 25, the Pakistani Supreme Court allowed Hafiz Saeed, the chief terrorist of Lashkar-e-Tayyeba / Jamaat-ud-Dawah and one of the key men who plotted the 26/11 fidayeen attack on Mumbai, to walk free. Apparently, the three-judge bench came to the conclusion that there was no evidence to keep Hafiz Saeed under house arrest – leave alone in jail – for his role in the 26/11 mass murder.
The Pakistani Supreme Court’s decision is in keeping with the Pakistani Government’s repeated insistence that the Government of India has failed to provide any evidence against Hafiz Saeed and his fellow terrorists. Several dossiers with stacks of documents supplied by New Delhi to Islamabad have been glibly labelled as ‘fiction’.
Pakistan’s mocking inaction against the masterminds behind the 26/11 outrage is in sharp contrast to the haste with which it has detained friends, associates and family members of Faisal Shahzad, the Pakistani American arrested in New York for planting a car bomb at Times Square. The bomb was defused before it could explode.
Obviously the Americans are pleased. And they couldn’t give a damn about Pakistan sponsoring cross-border terrorism against India. Just as they couldn’t bother with giving Indian agencies access to another Pakistani American, David Coleman Headley alias Daood Gilani, a member of Chicago’s LeT cell who did the groundwork for the 26/11 attack and other planned terrorist outrages.
It would be in order to presume that Pakistan has impressed upon its benefactor the need to protect Headley/Gilani lest he tell Indian investigators all about the involvement of the Islamabad-Rawalpindi alliance in waging jihad against India. US President Barack Hussein Obama couldn’t but have obliged his favourite criminal regime. That favour has been returned by acting promptly against the alleged allies of Faisal Shahzad.
America is happy. Pakistan is happy. As for India, it better do what B Hussein O instructs Manmohan Singh to do. With an effete Prime Minister, India has no other option but to comply with what America demands, which is really what Pakistan wishes.
Meanwhile, the self-righteous, sanctimonious UN Secretary-General would do well to ponder over the contempt with which Pakistan, with the full backing and support of America, has treated the UN Security Council resolution against JuD and its terrorist leaders.
UPA has it's foreign policy all messed up. SM Krishna isn't just another Shivraj Patil...he's much worse! How I miss good old days of Y Sinha, Jaswant, Brijesh Mishra and Vajpayee...
I think the mangoes that our PM gifted were not ripe enough to please the Pakistanis. Looks like Manmohan got conned by some fruit vendor in Delhi. Damn those artificial mango ripeners!
Krishna has got the job due to personal loyalty. It is time he gave up as Foreign policy is not his expertise.
At least in this case PM must intervene and get him out of the system
The fact remains that Pak is just following what US whats them to do. Pak has also added the China chapter in the equation which helps them keep US under check. As for India, we loose all the way. Only a strong center can salvage the nation from this situation, which is still struggling to manage Maowadis for now. I am not at all hopeful of this government managing the actions of Pakistan well.
UPA has succored and succumbed to Pakiphobia never ever pursued in the past in our country. With predetermined vigor, UPA has relentlesly taken the image of India to dogs by accepting the plethora of insults hurled at us by the Pakis. Time and time again Pakis have shoved it up ours and yet we extend our olive butt to them for shameful castigation. Spineless UPA will be in euphoric pursuit of further Paki insult - a phenomenon which, I suppose, UPA's perplexed Foreign Minister, insipid Prime Minister, bewildered Home Minister and the haughty Party President is zealous to pursue. Shameless we Indians have become because of this repeated mockery!
UPA has succored and succumbed to Pakiphobia never ever pursued in the past in our country. With predetermined vigor, UPA has relentlesly taken the image of India to dogs by accepting the plethora of insults hurled at us by the Pakis. Time and time again Pakis have shoved it up ours and yet we extend our olive butt to them for shameful castigation. Spineless UPA will be in euphoric pursuit of further Paki insult - a phenomenon which, I suppose, UPA's perplexed Foreign Minister, insipid Prime Minister, bewildered Home Minister and the haughty Party President is zealous to pursue. Shameless we Indians have become because of this repeated mockery!
Pakistan can not be and should not be trusted and neither can we afford to let Prime Minion of Sonia to forsake National Interest simply because the man has no spine of his own.
Even a kid with an elementary knowledge of history know that Pakistan's only reason of being in existence is:Hate any and every thing Indian.
Bleeding heart Paki lovers are mostly those who migrated to this part in 1947. Many of those namely, Khushwant, Kuldeep N, Rajendra Sacchar and Prime Minion too were witness to mayhem. These men are either besieged with the trauma or are victims of 'Stockholm's syndrome'.
To me the servile attitude of Prime Minion is more alarming than the hostility of Pakistan. We all know that economically, militarily,technically and even numerically too we can not only defend self but can annihilate Pakistan should Pak try a mischief. This is not war mongering or jingoism but truth. Even Pak and those in power there understand that much more clearly than the embedded Pakis here.
This club of freeloaders offer two arguments:
1.) War is no option, both are Nuclear countries.
May I ask them: Then WTF is the need for Army and such a huge budget? We can't fight China they r more powerful and Nuclear too! We have no reason to wage war against Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldivies or other SARC country! Then why not disband ARMY and use Jawans for building roads?
2). Second they argue 'We can not change geography'!
Stupid.Didn't Geography change in 1947?
Prime Minion insults Billion strong Nation by offering spurious arguments like he did again by saying that "India can not achieve its full potential without Pakistan..." blah blah!
To be frank Dada each time Prime minion goes out of country or /and meets Pakis, my heart trembles with fear: God knows what another compromise he makes at the cost of National Interest.
Prudent Indian
its not about Indian government (in power) its about in general Indian secular mentality ... we have excess of tolerance... and "chalta hai" attitude... people have to stand up at some point and pressurize the people in gov. to take action.
I often wonder what are the long term consequences of UPA-2?
1)I can understand somewhat that on domestic front we have to continue to lead more miserable lives, for an even longer period of time (as a consequence of high inflation, government waste, no infra-structure investment, less security, more terrorist violence, more caste based division).
2)I dont think that a telecom scam of Rs 60K cr is really a loss. If the money had been collected as revenue it would have gone back into the corrupt govt. machinery so citizens remain even either way. Not a cynical view but a fact.
3)Why UPA-2 wants to compromise national interests even of Foreign policy ( where I hope there is no monetary gain by trading national interests)? Even though there was enough corruption in 1970s and 1991 governments foreign policy was not compromised.
4)What is the ultimate objective of UPA-2 on foreign policy esp. Pak and K? What are the long term consequences of the policies being pursued? That I cant fathom much. Appreciate if dada can do some analysis on this front.
Hello Kanchan,
At the very outset, let me declare that I love your articles and wish more desi writers had your gumption and steel! I understand that you and innumerable other usual suspects are notably upset with Mannu but after a lot of brain storming and deep analysis, I am of the opinion that we may have to absolve Sadhu Mannu of all culpability and responsibility in this grand debacle. I think it was the mangoes that did us in!
There could be a lot of slips between the cup and the lip, which got Gilani all riled up and upset at Mannu.
Here are a few alternate scenarios, which I surmise could have happened:
1) The mangoes were kachche and sour. Gilani took one bite spat it out and was pissed!
2) Out of the 20 kg dipatched first to the Indian High Commission to be further forwarded to Gilanai, 10kg got stolen by our besharam sarkari chors and another 5kg was pilfered off by our loving porky carriers before it reached Gilani. Gilani saw the bill of lading and knew he had been shortchanged and got all pissed and Hafiz Saeed walked free.
3)Maybe the 20 kg mango package got intercepted by the taliban, who after polishing off the delicious desi mangoes replaced the package contents with their kachche aam and got Gilani all pissed off!
4) Maybe Mannu outsourced the packaging to Bangladesh who botched up the whole thing and the package arrived in total disarray with rotting mangoes from the mercury rising in the terrible summer month of May! ----and Gilani threw a fit and ---
I hope that you see the error in your rationalizing and ask you to revisit the issue in light of the new hypothesis I have presented! - Rahul Banerji
Hello Kanchan,
At the very outset, let me declare that I love your articles and wish more desi writers had your gumption and steel! I understand that you and innumerable other usual suspects are notably upset with Mannu but after a lot of brain storming and deep analysis, I am of the opinion that we may have to absolve Sadhu Mannu of all culpability and responsibility in this grand debacle. I think it was the mangoes that did us in!
There could be a lot of slips between the cup and the lip, which got Gilani all riled up and upset at Mannu.
Here are a few alternate scenarios, which I surmise could have happened:
1) The mangoes were kachche and sour. Gilani took one bite spat it out and was pissed!
2) Out of the 20 kg dipatched first to the Indian High Commission to be further forwarded to Gilanai, 10kg got stolen by our besharam sarkari chors and another 5kg was pilfered off by our loving porky carriers before it reached Gilani. Gilani saw the bill of lading and knew he had been shortchanged and got all pissed and Hafiz Saeed walked free.
3)Maybe the 20 kg mango package got intercepted by the taliban, who after polishing off the delicious desi mangoes replaced the package contents with their kachche aam and got Gilani all pissed off!
4) Maybe Mannu outsourced the packaging to Bangladesh who botched up the whole thing and the package arrived in total disarray with rotting mangoes from the mercury rising in the terrible summer month of May! ----and Gilani threw a fit and ---
I hope that you see the error in your rationalizing and ask you to revisit the issue in light of the new hypothesis I have presented! - Rahul Banerji
The most outrageous part is that S M Krishna has asked the matter to be reconsidered on "humanitarian" grounds because India can't question Pak SC's verdict! Next he will be grovelling n the floor begging for some consideration!! Do these people have blood in their veins or water? iT'S so sad what India has been reduced to by politicians!
But not to worry these same people will be voted to power again!
The most outrageous part is that S M Krishna has asked the matter to be reconsidered on "humanitarian" grounds because India can't question Pak SC's verdict! Next he will be grovelling n the floor begging for some consideration!! Do these people have blood in their veins or water? iT'S so sad what India has been reduced to by politicians!
But not to worry these same people will be voted to power again!
The useful/useless idiots currently occupying the executive, and much of the legislative branches of the US government should not be confused with "the Americans" as a whole. We've had one successful jihadist attack on an Army base, of all places, and several near misses (Times Square, the "underwear bomber", and an planned mass poisoning on another military base) within the past year, and our alleged leaders refuse to even acknowledge who the enemy is, or the ideology that drives them to seek or destruction, your destruction, and everyone else' destruction. We aren't exactly happy about any of that, anymore than we are about the victory mosque being built near the gaping hole which was once our World Trade Center.
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