But Ayodhya judgement at best a partial closure
During a recent television debate on ‘Saffron Terror’ (the coinage is an oxymoron, but such details don’t bother the ‘secular’ intelligentsia of this wondrous land of ours) I found myself seated next to Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen president and MP from Hyderabad Asaduddin Owaisi. Within minutes I was convinced that Mr Owaisi, dressed in an achkan and his heart bleeding profusely for suspected terrorists, lacked both manners and grace. He would interrupt everybody, insisting he had the right to have his say -- without, of course, conceding that right to others. Half way through the show, he suddenly turned towards me and smugly asked, “Will you accept the court’s verdict on Babri Masjid?” I refused to answer him, and for good reason. Later, after the show was over, I asked him, “Will you accept the verdict?” His answer was spontaneous, “Yes, we will.” And then added slyly, “But that’s not the issue. Will you accept it?” I headed for the studio exit.
Mr Owaisi’s question was not as innocuous as it may have seemed to others. For nearly three months a story had been doing the rounds in Delhi, the sum and substance of which was that the much-anticipated judgement in the Ayodhya case would be a two-one majority verdict in favour of the Muslims, upholding the Sunni Waqf Board’s claim to the disputed 2.7 acre land where the Babri Masjid stood till it was demolished by enraged Hindus on December 6, 1992, to reclaim Ram Janmabhoomi and rid India of one of its many monuments glorifying invaders who remorselessly laid the lives of kafirs to waste and destroyed their places of worship with vengeance.
Those who believed this story pointed to tell-tale signs: The pattern of deployment of security forces; the choice of date for the verdict (it was originally scheduled for September 24, a Friday); and the cockiness of Muslim organisations not known for holding the secular judiciary of India in high esteem and their repeated assertion that they would abide by the judgement. Mr Owaisi had obviously heard and believed the story. When I expressed my doubts about its veracity to a fellow columnist, he sneeringly replied, “You are living in denial.” Days before the judgement, questioning the wisdom of those who did not want it to be delayed any further, he tweeted that the “verdict will leave lotuswallahs disappointed”.
South Delhi’s commentariat is adept at the game of Chinese whispers, but it is also divorced from reality, preferring fiction over fact. The verdict of the Lucknow Bench of the Allahabad High Court -- really three separate judgements with the judges concurring on certain key issues -- bore no resemblance to the inspired ‘leak’. The judges agreed on three important issues: Muslims do not have exclusive claim to the site held sacred by Hindus; the ground where the central dome of the Babri Masjid stood belongs to Ram Lalla as has been argued for centuries by Hindus who believe it is Ram Janmabhoomi; and, a temple existed at the spot that was selected by Mir Baqi to build a mosque to celebrate Babur’s victorious military campaign in the region. On the third point, two of the three judges also agreed that the temple was desecrated and destroyed to build the mosque; one of them held this to be un-Islamic, a point validated by theology.
It’s politically correct to say there are no winners and losers following the Ayodhya verdict. But we all know that’s not true. Why else would Mr Owaisi, whose party was last in the news for opposing ‘Hyderabad Liberation Day’ celebrations on September 17 because “many Muslims (razakars) were killed” when the people rose in revolt in 1948 against the Nizam for refusing to join the Union of India, be incandescent with rage? The same man who, having willed himself into believing the cockamamie story that two of the three judges would rule in favour of the Muslims, told me he would accept the High Court’s verdict, is now indulging in what comes easily to him and his ilk: Intemperate, provocative language. “We are not satisfied with the judgement. The evidence presented by Muslims to the court was strong… It seems that it has not been given due consideration,” he told one newspaper. To another he said, “There is anger building up among the Muslim community over the verdict but, god willing, it may not translate into street violence.” Notice how he is leaving the option of mobs taking to the streets wide open. Mr Owaisi is not alone; he has Mr Mulayam Singh Yadav of “ek parinda bhi paar nahi kar sakta” fame, to keep him company.
At the same show I was interrupted by a leading light of south Delhi’s commentariat when I made bold to suggest that little purpose will be served if we keep on going back to history. “What history? Tell us,” he tauntingly said and, along with Mr Owaisi, broke into raucous laughter. I could have given the example of the vandalism that had occurred in Ayodhya in 1528, and elsewhere in India since then: Varanasi, Mathura, Ajmer, Delhi -- the list is endless. But I chose not to bite Mukul Kesavan’s bait, choosing, instead, to place my faith in the wisdom and fair play of our secular justice system. That faith stands vindicated today. At one level, the Ayodhya judgement liberates Ram Janmabhoomi and serves to address, albeit partially, latent and lingering Hindu disquiet. At another level, it is a deeply personal victory for me and some other writers, all of them close friends and professional associates, who chose not to sway with the wave and told the truth as it was rather than join the crowd of intellectually bankrupt dhimmis who unfortunately hold positions of power and authority in free, secular India. They are the real losers and look more pathetic than ever before.
Let me conclude by quoting Nirad C Chaudhuri, a writer whom I greatly admire for speaking his mind freely and without caring a hoot about how many toes he tread upon: “Muslims do not have the slightest right to complain about the desecration of one mosque in Ayodhya. From 1000 AD every temple from Kathiawar to Bihar, from the Himalayas to the Vindhyas has been sacked and ruined. Not one temple was left standing all over northern India. They escaped destruction only where Muslim power did not gain access to them for reasons such as dense forests. Otherwise, it was a continuous spell of vandalism. No nation with any self-respect will forgive this. What happened in Ayodhya would not have happened had the Muslims acknowledged this historical argument even once.”
Well-meaning people believe the Allahabad High Court’s judgement will help bring the Ayodhya dispute to a closure. But the Ayodhya dispute is a manifestation of the historical faultlines that run deep through our society. Till such time we admit the existence of the faultlines and accept the causative factors, there can be no real closure. Settling a title suit is not quite the same as addressing what Niradbabu described as the “historical argument” of India’s imperfect past which makes our future tense. Sadly, though not unexpectedly, there is little or no reason to believe that we are anywhere near a real closure in the absence of any meaningful and sincere acknowledgement of the “continuous spell of vandalism” as symbolised by the monument to honour Babur which stood in Ram ki Nagri till December 6, 1992, and whose reconstruction is still being sought.
Nice Article !!! Surely there is no end to this issue now. As I have alwayz said on my twitter that this temple or that land has less to do with religiosity bit to do with our self respect and fighting for righteousness. Those who think that even a part of that land will go to Muslims irrespective of any verdict are hallucinating and not in touch with reality.
Hindus if do not fight for this land would end the very concept of "Righteousness".
Vivek Acharya, Kolkata. India.
Jai Shri Ram and Dada Aap Ko Bahut Bahut Badhai.
I never had any doubt about the 'ultimate' truth being prevailed as like you and millions of Hindus have complete and unshakable Faith in Sri Ram and Sanatan Hindu Dharma.
My heartiest congratulation to all as we see that 'Truth Prevails'.
Dada, I personally was convinced and Tweeted too- two days before and even on the day verdict was pronounced- that all that 'Bandobast' suggested only one thing that Ram's Victory was certain. Glad I M , proved right. :)
Through your esteemed blog would urge all Ram Bhakts to Celebrate this Diwali with 'Grandeur'. Sri Ram was forced to be in 'Exile' for 500+ yrs, let us celebrate his Return to Ayodhya and Bharat.
Jai Sri Ram.
Great blog and very good analyis. Keep it up. We need honest Journalist like you in india.
You should have responded to Mukul Kesavan's query. I am surprised why we should refrain from mentioning such facts. I saw another such panel, which included Swapan dasgupta. Same thing happened there. Farha naqvi mentioned how a "larger than life" mosque was there for 500 years and it has been destroyed. The immediate response should have been "well, pray acknowledge similar vandalism from islamic invaders". But we keep trying to be soft and accommodating while from their side there is not one person willing to come forward and accept their misdeeds which fueled this case and the demolition.
I wont be surprised if the pro muslim verdict theory was spread by the govt to keep Owaisi and his band of animals quiet else we would have had preemptive rioting by muslim mobs to stall verdict or force a change in judgment in view of violence. Muslims most happy with pre verdict status quo. They did not mind the zero sum game. The building was never used as a mosque for a long time anyways and they did not care about it. What they wanted was to deny Hindus the pride, satisfaction of possessing RamJanmBhoomi. Well all that is history now.
Ram Lala has his home and very soon I will go and put my head at his feet. May he come soon and relieve us from these monsters of Dandakavana
m impressed Sir...if we continue havin ppl lyk u rise 2 prominance in front of dat pseudo-sickular non-right (lefty) south delhi bickeratti.. den we can leave a betr india 4 future genrations..kudos 2 u! 8)
Judges shud have been neutral even if da verdict was similar, in todays world it's all abt packaging so judgement 4rm neutral judges cud ve been more satisfactory to all. Your article although well written is a little one sided, history has many black shades n present generation cannot be blamed. If it were upto me, I wud help Hindus built da temple but there shud be no other such claim in future over any mosque, also wud expect pple involved in babri demolition be convicted.
*tears in my eyes* owaisi slaughtered left right and center! Mind blowing post!
Jai shri Ram
Many Muslims in India (and in the sub continent, for that matter)forget that their ancestors are the same as those of the Hindus. They think that they are the descendants of Babar. That is why they grieve at the demolition of the symbol of Babar's barberous victory over the Indians.
da...you are a great writer..i wonder how come u dont lead in mainstream media..i got goosbump when i read ur article..if ur article wl be shared by 1000 people..i bet it wl drive people to another revolt..
As an under-30 Indian, I am saddened to see the 'young' India show-cased by the English MSM. Their lack of knowledge about the Janmabhoomi issue is astounding and their suggestions (eg park/hospital etc) asinine. Till our schooling system is overhauled to give people pride in their ancient culture, we'll continue to breed generations of ignorant morons who will take great pride in running down Hinduism and people like you will keep waging lonely battles to keep to present the correct picture. Perhaps we could make a start with making Arun Shourie's works part of the school syllabus.
Dear Sir,
Muslims if they have some shame should hand over the 1/3 piece of land to hindus, otherwise we should approach the SC. We all want a grand temple with saffron flag flying high there, just like somnath. Verdict has been a slap on the face of pseudo-secularists like burqa dutt & company. They had been completely wrong , intolerant , biased, one-sided in their view. They don't visit internet social sites where their reputation lies in tatters. This is the new India, where the younger generation cares about both national progress and national pride of which Lord Ram in an icon.
Nice article...However there is no need to give so much importance to fanatic like Owaisi in your write up... Everyone know that they are radicals.
sir, excellent article!!The left-liberal pseudo-intellectuals have got a slap on their face.They proved themselves what Advaniji famously said the pseudo-seculars.Before the verdict they said it would be welcome and respected but after it came they turned around ,they never welcome it rather slyly concealed some important part of judgement.It's a hindu victory .congratulations to you and few friends of you who pleaded for hindu dignity at the cost of being professionally ostracised .jaya Shri ram.
closure is necessary but how do you work out a closure of crimes rooted so deep in history ?? is retribution a justified closure or it just starts the vicious cycle all over again. In so far as crimes of imperialistic religion like islam, the irreversible vandalism has to be acknowledged and therein lies the closure. Common man needs less of religion .
Dear Kanchan,
Couldn't agree more. How will Owaisi celebrate Hyderabad Liberation Day, when his own family was part of the Razackars and many of whom died trying to 'liberate' Hyderabad from India. He is no less than a Kashmiri Separatist, fortunately his actions are limited to the city of Hyderabad and surroundings.
Coming to the verdict, first of all, I'd like to state upfront: I am well almost 30, part of the 80s generation for whom Ayodhya was an issue driven into our collective consciousness because of school holidays, but whose significance has unraveled over time. I am also atheist and do not believe in organised religion. Having said that and having seen events play out in the last 48 hours and in the last 18 years, I am appalled at the pulse of the so-called 'Young India' many of whom are constantly passing comments on the judgement that reflects ignorance or awareness of the issue at best and insensitivity at worst. All this for a place in a contradiction-riddled 'liberal' haven. I cannot fathom to ever identify with people, who would like to turn the disputed place into a 'mall', "museum", "garden" , "hospital" all supposedly symbols of an India that has 'moved' on. Utter disregard for people's sentiments, lack of awareness of the case itself or the history of our own country is what characterises these comments.
What's even more shocking is the utter disregard for the scholarly research, historic fact and rigorous scientific analysis that has gone into the process feeding into the judgement. I feel that is the root of our problems--we have a penchant only to whip up rhetoric and polemic and little respect for academic propriety and science.
Coming to the judgement itself, as a purist and someone who stands for history,fact, science and secular justice, I feel letdown by the judgement simply because it tries to hammer out a compromise than give a real verdict. It can set a dangerous precedent going forward that, in matters of law and justice, just because one of the parties has enough organised muscle to create a law and order problem we as a state are willing to abdicate fact and natural justice and open ourselves to 'jugaad'.
To all those screaming, Young India,economic prosperity, malls etc, I have this to say: It really doesnt concern them, so just shut up and move away from the discourse. If you're genuinely interested in finding a solution to the problem without a -pre-judged opinion, and you're aware of the sensitivities and complexities of what's involved, you're welcome. Then we will talk.
Coming to the judgement itself, as a purist and someone who stands for history,fact, science and secular justice, I feel letdown by the judgement simply because it tries to hammer out a compromise than give a real verdict. It can set a dangerous precedent going forward that, in matters of law and justice, just because one of the parties has enough organized muscle to create a law and order problem we as a state are willing to abdicate fact and natural justice and open ourselves to 'jugaad'.
To all those screaming, Young India,economic prosperity, malls etc, I have this to say: It really doesnt concern them, so just shut up and move away from the discourse. If you're genuinely interested in finding a solution to the problem without a -pre-judged opinion, and you're aware of the sensitivities and complexities of what's involved, you're welcome. Then we will talk.
And of course, last but not the least, the judgement acknowledges historical fact and the faith of millions of people, just for that alone I am grateful to the judges. There is some hope in India'a natural justice system. It's been a deeply personal vindication and it feels very exhilarating.
Dada, a riveting and superlative blog written with a touch of personal passion. The general despair is frustrating at the incongruity Muslim organizations has opted to post-verdict in spite of the fact that for the last 3 months they have been consistently propagating acceptance of a Judicial Verdict verbatim without contest. The claims of millions of Hindus world-wide has been vindicated and justice has prevailed. However, as you rightly concluded, it is far from closure.
Will it require a modus operandi similar to what the Moguls carried out over centuries against Hindu Temples remains to be seen depending on a choice purely to be selected by the Muslims!
However, thanks for the enlightening blog and keenly awaiting for the next part.
Dear Kanchan,
Superb article. I hope you are as assertive in TV shows as well. We need people like you to show how shallow and deracinatead most of your colleagues from the ELM are
What you say is what is logical and comes from your heart. The secular media and poitician can not understand this because they are paid to pretend to be Secular. They forget that India is Secular only because of Sanatan / Hindu Dharma and its beliefs. Otherwise, the rights of religious minorities are for any body to see in the muslim countries.
Now that the verdict has come, One of the most important points that are coming from the verdict, but not discussed publicly (to my mind) is as under:
All judges said that the Structure was converted into mosque after demoloishing Ram Mandir and it was against Sharia and hence it was invalid. This Principle paves the way for Muslims to understand that all the present day structures that they think as Mosque but wre built after demolishing Hindu Mandirs are illegal as per Sharia and hence they should be handed over to Hindus for proper care and for worshipping.
Even though 1/3 land is given to muslims, only the muslims of Ayodhya should decide what to do with land. Not a single person from outside the Ayodhya should negotiate on this isuue.
The so called inteligentia of the country and politicians should not open their bad mouth on the legal judgement and vitiate the atmosphere in the country at large. If some body has grivance with the court judgement, the aggrieved person must approach the court instead of making appearnce on TV.
If this problem is over then how Muslims will be fooled and used as vote bank, and some people who are drawing power from them will be weaker and lose their existence. Pl follow my blog which is made to make our country responsible in all respects. http://whoshouldbeourleader-leeladhar.blogspot.com/
If this problem is over then how Muslims will be fooled and used as vote bank, and some people who are drawing power from them will be weaker and lose their existence. Pl follow my blog which is made to make our country responsible in all respects. http://whoshouldbeourleader-leeladhar.blogspot.com/
The return of 'Ram-Rajya' is still far far away, but this is the first step. And remember that the first step is the hardest. There is a reason why Hinduism is called 'Sanatan Dharma'. This fight has been going on for 500 years, whats a few years more? And it will not stop there. Oh no. I will fight for it, and then my children will, and their children will. This will not stop until we have cleaned the remnants of dark past of India. Those 'intellectual' who have sold their nation and who feel that the motherland is their property, dont yet know that false history propagation cant really hide the truth. 'Satyamev Jayate'. The truth alone triumphs.
Jai Hind. Jai Shree Ram.
What else did you expect a 2nd generation Owassi, he is follows the babalog cult and in true babalog tradition does not accept any version of truth, other than his own! Remember he inherited the MPship and political clout from his father!
This verdict could have come long before, but thanks to Nehruvian intervention it was stuck! Now that all communities got a share, I think supreme court should upheld it at the earliest; however we both know the reality will be far from that.
However I would like to know how far we can correct the historical injustices! Being human, our history is full of injustices with victors abusing the losers with vindictive zeal and enslaving them!
Whenever, where-ever battles have raged between communities of different faith, destruction of losers temples have happened primarily for 2 reasons!
1. To loot the huge wealth stored in temples.
2. To annihilate the losers identity of state by destroying symbols of state religion.
Even Homer wrote about it, Alexander did so in Persia, Romans hid so in Egypt, even in pagan Britain, historians even say about such possibility even in Mayan civilization!
To our 20th-21th century minds it is barbaric and totally unacceptable! But it all happened in past; if I had time machine would have there and tried to stop it! Now since that is out of question, I have discuss it with contemporary folks!
Is it right to hold any generation responsible or remove them of their natural privileges for the crimes committed by their ancestors. What about the desecration of Non-aryan civilizations by the earliest Hindus in India? What about the human rights of Asura, Rakhshash and Banars (Oxymoron I know) :)?
It is important to note at this point that I am an atheist and not a so-called "secular Hindu". But my ancestors were Hindu and I am proud of them.
It is bad politics of Congress and blatant biased view of Nehruvian Secularism that has landed us here. It is not that Muslims have prospered greatly under it, in fact they have been greatly impoverished in knowledge, education and economic participation.
Seen under the backdrop of partition, Nehruvian Secularism has alienated communities and ghettoized our towns.
We Hindus are deeply indebted to people like you and Arun Shourie among others,who have diligently given voice to this emasculated majority,even at the expense of becoming "popular" like Barkha Dutts.Today in the light of this judgment,the likes of Barkha Dutts and Rajdeeps stand nowhere in comparison to you.As they say,it is the quality that matters.
As far as this article is considered,you have rightly mentioned that the closure can not be brought about without acknowledging the Truth.And as i write this,let me tell you that I'm a 21 year old,educated(pursuing BTech at NIT Allahabad)youth of this country.We do not want to take "revenge" by destroying as many mosques as the Muslim vandals did.All that we want is a sincere acknowledgment of the Truth that this happened,that is all we want.
Once again,Thank You very much.
Dear Mr.Gupta,
It should be noted that the self-proclaimed secular Barkha Dutt's and Nidhi Razdan's of our media would not have left a chance to drub the folks from the Right as communal had they expressed their displeasure over the verdict. But when our Moulana Mulayam Singh Yadav, Asaduddin Owaisi, and Writer Farah Naqvi expressed their displeasure, dismay, and anguish over the verdict no one talks a word. These are the same people who were preaching to the Right to accept the verdict whichever way it goes and when they are put in the dock they act and talk like a bunch of losers who can't accept that they were wrong even after a High Court establishes so. Why can't the so-called secular intelligentsia accept that the Hindus were not wrong after all in their claim to the disputed site???? We can't have one set of standard for green and another for saffron. It is so funny because I posted a similar comment on the websites of one our secular media's website and they were prompt to delete it!!!! We are really thankful that we have people like you and Swapan Dasgupta around to balance such debates. I hope to see you more on TV and read you more too.
an excellent article. Hats off to you!!! The observation about imperfect past bringing a tense future is an excellent one.
I was waiting for your article, having read and commented on several other blogs and websites on the same subject. The insights relating especially to Owaisi are most revealing.Thanks for Nirad babu's quote also.
BTW, reading the comments section in most blogs on this issue is most rewarding.
Excellent Article Dada! Nirad Choudhari's take on the issue was very interesting. I wish the Pseudo Secular English speaking literati would read and mull on all that you have said.Hindus should be optimistic and steadily pursue the issue with grace and dignity and celebrate this Dussehra with renewed vigour and enthusiasm. The likes of Owaasi be left for people like you to deal with!!
Dada an excellent write up as expected. Hindus should celebrate this Dusssehra with dignity and grace and maintain their poise. The huffing and hawing be left for the likes of Owaisi and the English speaking pseudo secular,(so called literati) of our country who frequent the English News channels off and on.
I am amazed by the audacity of the sickularists - who suddenly on evening of Sep30th realized that a verdict must not be accepted - after having spent months telling us that the verdict from courts is pious and we must make a solemn resolve to accept the verdict.
Indeed - what they meant was - a secular verdict has to be in favour of muslims. Else its not secular enough.
Heads we win, Tails we cry foul and call the verdict communal.
Lots of intellectuals are questioning the verdict - calling it based on belief and not on evidence. One - they havent read the judgement at all - so of course, no one knows what evidence has been considered.
But even if it gives credence to belief - how did that suddenly become unconstitutional?
Doesn't the whole Muslim law and Sharia solely depend on the belief that Quran is a word of God...Is there any evidence otherwise for this? Can we hence repeal the Muslim laws and go for a uniform civil code right away!!!
Again a Heads I win-Tails I cry foul.
Dear Kanchan,
Last year , I had taken my kids to see our heritage to know our roots ( we are based in South Africa).
We undertook a trip of historical places in Delhi ( first for me too).
When we visited Qutub Minar and the quadrangle next to it housing the famous pillar, I was shocked about the history I had read and taught as a part of my CBSE syllabus.
The translation of the inscription on the pillar, is on a plaque on a wall. It is mentioned as 'Dhwaja ( flag pole) of Lord Vishnu Temple,constructed by a valiant king whose glory gives aroma to seven seas'.
My engineering background was left wondering how can the building material from the ruins of Jain temple be reused to reconstruct a quadrangle with defaced idols on all the pillars!
I had felt deep pain of knowing my own roots! We must be brave enough to accept the truth ,howsoever bitter or painful it may be.
Truth must be told and must prevail, it gives strength to accept it and will only strengthen our republic.
The denial of the truth leads to manipulation and bigotry, it is foundation of fascism.
It is time for such matters to be taken away from the news studios and all knowing anchors ( why did not judges go by their script) in angst, to the elders of both the communities of our republic- in the spirit of truth and reconciliation ( TRC Of SA) and build a New India.
Best Regards
Too right, Mr Gupta.
India has remained shackled by the "intellectually bankrupt dhimmis".
What worries me is, to be an "intellectually bankrupt dhimmi" is seen to be politically correct - to be seen as being cool.
Islam for eternity demands that the equality, freedom and rights of all individual in a secular democratic free world be replaced by laws that, as per unsubstantiated claims of an individual in the 7th century, has to be accepted by the entire human race as the verbatim word of God.
There can never be a closure.
For the purpose of peace and Unity we need to understand each other. We have to remove all the difference between us. For that I need your cooperation let resolve it here:
Before Understanding Religion firstly analyze
Q. Who is Almighty?
a) The God (who had created the universe)
b) The creations of the God (like sun, moon, earth, you, me, etc.)
In solving above problem you will find that The God is Almighty.
Now Analyze,
Q. Who must be worshiped?
a) The Almighty God.
b) The creations of God (like sun, moon, human being etc.)
c) The creations of Human being (Scooter, Car, Statue, etc.)
In solving the above problem you will find that The Almighty God must be worship.
Now the Question arises how should we worship The Almighty God
- Directly
- Indirectly (means some people recognize that the creation of the Almighty God is God)
Let us see an Example
Mr. John who loves his mother very much he can do anything for her. One day, Mr. John made a statue of his beloved mother and start recognizing that statue as his mother, one day his mother while cooking food for Mr. John in Kitchen caught in the grip of Fire by accident and she asked him from the burning kitchen water to stop fire and to save her But Mr. John as he believed that the statue of his Mother is Mother so he started giving the water to the statue of his mother. His mother asked him again for water and saving, but Mr. John again gave the water to the statue of his mother and the process continued…..
Now tell me whether his mother would be happy with him? Or she ever would say that her statue is equal to her?
The answer will be no, even if the Thousands of people say to you that the statue of the mother of Mr John is his mother your answer will remain NO.
In the same manner if thousands of people say to a rational person like you and me that the Sun (a creation of Almighty God) can be recognised as God the Answer will only Be NO. No one on the earth is like Almighty God. It would be a Sin to call created things to be God.
When God/Allah is one then the religion must be one that is to Worship only Almighty God.
What is Islam?
Islam is an Arabic word which mean Submission of own Will towards Allah i.e. God Almighty. Islam is derived from the word salaam meaning peace.
Muslim is an Arabic word which means Person who submits his will to Almighty God. In other words whosoever worship only Almighty God is a Muslim.
Now Let us see whether following good people are Muslim or not:
a)Adam (peace be upon him), who was the first man on the earth and the First Prophet also.
-The answer is Yes as Adam (peace be upon him) worshiped only ALLAH in his period, And he was the first Muslim in His Period.
b) Abraham (peace be upon him)
-The answer is Yes as Abraham (peace be upon him) has always worshiped only Allah in his period.
c) Moses (peace be upon him)
-The answer is Yes as Moses [PBUH] has only worshiped Almighty God in his period. And he was the first Muslim in His Period.
d)Jesus/Isa (peace be upon him)
- The answer Again is Yes as Jesus(peace be upon him) never recognised or said himself as god and also He worship only Allah not the creations of Allah.
e)Muhammad (peace be upon Him)
- The answer is yes as Muhammad (peace be upon him) never recognised himself as god and he worshiped only Allah not the creations of Allah. And he was the first Muslim in His period. And he was the first Muslim in His Period.
The person who believes that Allah is one and he/she worships only Allah and not the creations of Allah and Also he/she believes that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the last Prophet of Allah is an Islamic/ Muslim.
Do our Respected Ram is our God in ISLAM and HINDUISM?
Whether we are Muslim or Hindu, [irrespective of religion] people love the story of Ram and his work.
Continue your reading at
http://worshiponlyone.blogspot.com/ as the space provided is little.
And Love Rama...
As usual, an excellent post..
and see how the romila thapar exposes her sickularism in the recent hindu article..
"Ram ki Nagri, once again"
If 'faith' in the legal system is not allowed then we should get the Uniform Civil Code. Whichever way the P-sec crowd goes they are going to loose.
Jai Sri Ram
I will like all to note that it has become fashionable to find fault with Hindus for everything and get instant tag of being secular. We are being taken for granted simply because we do not react.
I do not know why we as a community are so subdued ????
I wonder how the Indian Govt allow people to talk whatever they want. Can Mr Owaisi do the same thing if he was a Hindu Citizen of Pakistan ?
Good article....
@Sandeep ,
Read the following :-
Excellent Kanchan Gupta!
I firmly believe the Opening Ceremony of CWG went off well ONLY because of this verdict preceding it.
I was almost convinced it would , as is the wont of Indian Establishment , go against us Hindus. At last a step in the right direction.
BJP should capitalise on it with gusto. Making a solemn promise to do away with corruption.
To understand Hinduism there are many Hindu Sanyasis like Swami Dayananda of Arsha Vidya Gurukulam , Swami Omkarananda of Chidbavananda Ashram , Kanchi Shankaracharya and so forth that you should approach and learn.
Hindus' invoking Almighty in consecrated Icons is not as stupid as you have described with your analogy of John & his mother.
One of the Greatest Sages Sri.Ramakrishna Paramahamsar found the All Pervading Almighty very much inhered in the Icon of Kali also.
Your understanding of hinduism is flawed to say the least.
To understand Hinduism there are many Hindu Sanyasis like Swami Dayananda of Arsha Vidya Gurukulam , Swami Omkarananda of Chidbavananda Ashram , Kanchi Shankaracharya and so forth that you should approach and learn.
Hindus' invoking Almighty in consecrated Icons is not as stupid as you have described with your analogy of John & his mother.
One of the Greatest Sages Sri.Ramakrishna Paramahamsar found the All Pervading Almighty very much inhered in the Icon of Kali also.
Your understanding of hinduism is flawed to say the least.
Owaisi was sad and downcast with Burkha on the verdict day - and at the same time he kept trying to be belligerent and communal - while Burkha continued to overlook his misdemeanours.
A victory indeed for truth and a sad day for leftist liars.
@ Abhinav:
Since you speech overflows with truth , I beseech all in this forum to also hail you as a "sant". Or something similar, starting with.....!
Sir,Can you help me in understanding /demystifying why the moment a Hindu says something in favor of Hindu he is dubbed as fundamentalist but same rule do not apply to Muslims ??????
You are right.So is Nirad babu.May be ,ordinary Indian muslims too are seeing the light of the day.But not their leaders, nor the professional secularists, nor those political parties surviving on muslim votes.
One of the many positives of this verdict is,ordianry muslims have refused to take the baits being dangled by the secular crowd.
Why is GOD(Male) of Abraham that Muslims and Christians worship such a control freak?
What is wrong with image worship, don't tell us that Kaba is not a rock. b.t.w ALLAH was former Pagan moon god. If there is nothing wrong with worshiping former Moon god what is wrong with worshipping god as, Rama, Krishna, Shive or even flying Spagetting monster?
Some one missed Arun Shorie name, I would like to mention his name as he is the main architect in collecting evidence for Ram Mandir and putting it together on blogs.
If I am not wrong he as a individual had filed PIL against Quran in late 80's in SC for having provocative tenets in it but it was later quashed by SC.
As Many of the comments are Belonged to me.. So I am here writing Again to specifically for anonymous Brothers.
Kaaba is the Qibla i.e. The direction Muslims face during their prayers.
Otherwise there would be the confusion for Human regarding which way they do prostration and Bowing.
Muslims don’t worship Kaaba
It is mentioned in Quran [Al-Qur’an 2:144]
"We see the turning of thy face (for guidance) to the heavens: now shall We turn thee to a Qiblah that shall please thee. Turn then thy face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque: wherever ye are, turn your faces in that direction."
Kaaba is the symbol of World Unity and Qibla. And no one do worship of Kaaba, and Also In the period of Muhammad (PBUH) People stood on Kaaba and gave the adhaan or Call for Prayers. How one could stand on his own God. So for we Muslims Kaaba is only for Direction and we don’t worship Kaaba. We Worship only Almighty God.
Muslims Worship only the God of Moon also... Muslims worship the God who is Creator of several universes...
So no Paganism in Islam.
Reply to Anonymous
Don't Change the Definition of Hinduism or any Religion from the different person's point of view. One Must have to consider our own mind and some authentic source.
Whether our Respected Ram is God or Not one Must need to see the scripture from where the learned people form their opinion.
Blind Faith on anything may lead us to the darkness
Read Whether Our Lovely Ram is God or not as per Scripture of Hinduism, Islam.
And Please PLease use your Mind.
Otherwise think why Almighty God has given us brain..
Read Here Whether our Lovely Ram is God or not
Thanking You.., Respect and Love..
Please Reply here or There...
One Day I hope we all get united and Hug each other in Love.
Who said JNU didn't have an Engineering department? Move over CompSci, BioTech,.. it's called "History Engineering". JNU is a Center of excellence for engineering India's history, using dated Russian/British technology and catering to the Middle-east market. Equipped with a full service rig up, fabrication and coating facility.
Sorry going OT
Dada can you please confirm is this real profile of Arun Shourie ( @shourie2014 )on twitter or not?
Shah Alam,
Don't try your taquiyya on us. We know what your Koran says about Kafirs and we also know the fate of Banu Quraiza.
YUSUFALI: And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have Turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith.
PICKTHAL: And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. And fight not with them at the Inviolable Place of Worship until they first attack you there, but if they attack you (there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers.
SHAKIR: And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.
B.t.w we also the priniciple or abrogation, so don't try to smuggle in Meccan verses which have been abrogated.
Shah Alam said:
"Blind Faith on anything may lead us to the darkness"
"And Please PLease use your Mind.
Otherwise think why Almighty God has given us brain.."
True, Blind faith is bad. There is no evidence to prove that Muhammad had a straight line to god. Why do you belive in Islam? More over Angel Gabriel failed Muhammad at a crucial times like it failed to warn Muhammad about the poisoned food. Eventually prophet succummed to the poisoned food. Nor did the angel relieve the physical pain your prophet was suffering.
Even if you believe that Muhammad had a straight line to god, god of Abraham failed two times(Judaism and Christianity), so there is no reason to believe he got it right the third time.
Why should any one belive in a faith that promotes hated of Kaffirs? Is god cruel and a control freak?
Thanks M.Patil
See We Muslims believe in our Scriptures and we open our eyes while reading our Scripture. But if I close my eyes and never read my scripture and believe incorrect things that is called Blind Faith on what we think.
As Far as Muhammad {Peace Be Upon Him} concern, let me tell you he was not God. He was human. And Almighty God has send every human on earth for examination. The examination is conducted by Almighty God by giving difficulties and Gifts to every Human to check our action.
Mr Patil
According to Islam our Respected Ram is Not God.
But Test by yourself whether whether Our Ram was God or not in Light of following verses from your scriptures
Concept of God
“He is one only without a second.” ( Chandogya Upanishad Chapter 6 Section 2 verse 1 )
“Of Him there are neither parents nor Lord.” (Shwetashvatara Upanishad Chapter 6 verse 9)(
“There is no likeness of Him”.(Shwetashvatara Upanishad Chapter 4 verse 19)
“Sages (learned Priests) call one God by many names”.(Rigveda 1:164:46)
“Do not worship anybody but Him, the Divine One, Praise Him alone”(Rigveda 8:1:1)
“His form cannot be seen, no one sees Him with the eye”.
(Shwetashvatara Upanishad Chapter 4 verse 20)
In Yajurveda Chapter 32, Verse 3
“na tasya pratima asti”
“There is no image of Him”
It further says, “as He is unborn, He deserves our worship”
“He is bodiless and pure”.(Yajurveda 40:8)(
It is mentioned in Atharva Veda
“Dev Maha Osi”
“God is Verily Great.”
(Atharva Veda 20:58:3)
“Ekam sat vipra bahudha vadanti”
“Praise Him who is the matchless & alone”.(Rigveda 6:45:16)
Worship of Created Things is Prohibited in Hindu Scriptures.
Shri Krishna said to Arjun in Bhagwad Geeta:
“Those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires worship demigods” that is “Those who are materialistic, they worship demigods” i.e. others as deities besides the True God.
(Bhagwad Geeta Chapter 7 Verse 20)
In Yajurveda Chapter 32, Verse 3
“na tasya pratima asti”
“There is no image of Him”
It further says, “as He is unborn, He deserves our worship”.
(Yajurveda 32:3)
It is mentioned in Yajurveda Chapter 40 verse 8
“He is bodiless and pure”.
Yajurveda Chapter 40 Verse 9
“Andhatma pravishanti ye assambhuti mupaste”
“They enter darkness, those who worship natural things.”
E.g. worship of natural elements air, water, fire, etc.
It further continues and says
“They sink deeper in darkness those who worship sambhuti i.e. created things”
E.g. created things such as table, chair, idols, etc
It is mentioned in Rigveda
“Ma Chidanyadvi Shansata”
“Do not worship anybody but Him, the Divine One, Praise Him alone”
(Rigveda 8:1:1)
It is mentioned in Rigveda
“Ya Eka Ittamushtuhi”
“Praise Him who is the matchless & alone”.
(Rigveda 6:45:16)
Our Respected Ram is Not God on the above analysis but One must need to say according to the story that Ram was excellent Man. Even Respected Laxman had said But as I have told you earlier one can say that our Respected Ram was the excellent Man. Even Our Respected Lakshmana himself said to Rama as an excellent Man.
“You are unaware how strong, high soled and irresistible even to celestials, is this Rama the excellent man of Raghu dynasty, who shall deprive you of your life.” Valmiki Ramayan, Book number VI Chapter 20, Verse 29
Read atleast for once http://worshiponlyone.blogspot.com/
I will love to see your View. As for unity one must need to understand others
Mr Patil
According to Islam our Respected Ram is Not God.
But Test by yourself whether whether Our Ram was God or not in Light of following verses from your scriptures
Concept of God
“He is one only without a second.” ( Chandogya Upanishad Chapter 6 Section 2 verse 1 )
“Of Him there are neither parents nor Lord.” (Shwetashvatara Upanishad Chapter 6 verse 9)(
“There is no likeness of Him”.(Shwetashvatara Upanishad Chapter 4 verse 19)
“Sages (learned Priests) call one God by many names”.(Rigveda 1:164:46)
“Do not worship anybody but Him, the Divine One, Praise Him alone”(Rigveda 8:1:1)
“His form cannot be seen, no one sees Him with the eye”.
(Shwetashvatara Upanishad Chapter 4 verse 20)
In Yajurveda Chapter 32, Verse 3
“na tasya pratima asti”
“There is no image of Him”
It further says, “as He is unborn, He deserves our worship”
“He is bodiless and pure”.(Yajurveda 40:8)(
It is mentioned in Atharva Veda
“Dev Maha Osi”
“God is Verily Great.”
(Atharva Veda 20:58:3)
“Ekam sat vipra bahudha vadanti”
“Praise Him who is the matchless & alone”.(Rigveda 6:45:16)
Worship of Created Things is Prohibited in Hindu Scriptures.
Shri Krishna said to Arjun in Bhagwad Geeta:
“Those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires worship demigods” that is “Those who are materialistic, they worship demigods” i.e. others as deities besides the True God.
(Bhagwad Geeta Chapter 7 Verse 20)
In Yajurveda Chapter 32, Verse 3
“na tasya pratima asti”
“There is no image of Him”
It further says, “as He is unborn, He deserves our worship”.
(Yajurveda 32:3)
It is mentioned in Yajurveda Chapter 40 verse 8
“He is bodiless and pure”.
Yajurveda Chapter 40 Verse 9
“Andhatma pravishanti ye assambhuti mupaste”
“They enter darkness, those who worship natural things.”
E.g. worship of natural elements air, water, fire, etc.
It further continues and says
“They sink deeper in darkness those who worship sambhuti i.e. created things”
E.g. created things such as table, chair, idols, etc
It is mentioned in Rigveda
“Ma Chidanyadvi Shansata”
“Do not worship anybody but Him, the Divine One, Praise Him alone”
(Rigveda 8:1:1)
It is mentioned in Rigveda
“Ya Eka Ittamushtuhi”
“Praise Him who is the matchless & alone”.
(Rigveda 6:45:16)
Our Respected Ram is Not God on the above analysis but One must need to say according to the story that Ram was excellent Man. Even Respected Laxman had said But as I have told you earlier one can say that our Respected Ram was the excellent Man. Even Our Respected Lakshmana himself said to Rama as an excellent Man.
“You are unaware how strong, high soled and irresistible even to celestials, is this Rama the excellent man of Raghu dynasty, who shall deprive you of your life.” Valmiki Ramayan, Book number VI Chapter 20, Verse 29
Read atleast for once http://worshiponlyone.blogspot.com/
I will love to see your View. As for unity one must need to understand others..
As far as Kafir concern one must need to understand the meaning of Kafir first.
Kafir Means Faithless.
But In Islam there is no punishment if someone is Kafir even we are prohibited to put compulsion on anyone to accept Islam [Read Quran 2:256]
But In Islam we need to be against every anti-Social elements and the people who spread the Mischief in the society whether Muslim or Non-Muslim. Even though we are against such elements it is our duty to give priority to Peace first.
Please don't Quote out of Context
Read in a Flow
It is Mentioned in Quran
"Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors."
It is clearly mentioned that fight with those who fight against you. But not with those who don't fight with you.
And Allah has prohibited beginning of hostilities. And peace is the priority.
"And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places when they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. And fight not with them at the Inviolable Place of Worship until they first attack you there, but if they attack you (there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers."
It is a sequential verse to previous verse here. Almighty God ordered to fight with those who have driven you out. And persecution or oppression is worse than slaughter.
Even Almighty God Prohibited fighting at inviolable place of worship until they first attack you there.
"But if they desist, then lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful"
"And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah. But if they desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrong-doers"
And ordered to fight until persecution is no more. And again said if they desist then no hostility should be prevailed.
My dear Friend M. Patil
Let me show you some verses from Bhagvad Gita where Krishna advises Arjun to fight and kill the relatives.
It is mentioned in
The Bhagvad Gita Chapter 1 verse 43-46
(43) O Krishna, maintainer of the people, I have heard by disciplic succession that those who destroy family traditions dwell always in hell”
(44) “Alas, how strange it is that we are preparing ourselves to commit great sinful acts, driven by the desire to enjoy royal happiness.”
(45) I would consider better for the sons of Dhritarashtra to kill me unarmed and unresisting rather than fight with them.
(46) “Arjuna, having thus spoken, cast aside his bow and arrow, and sat down on the chariot, his mind, overwhelmed with grief”.
Krishna further replies in
Bhagvad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 2, 3
2. “My dear Arjuna, how have these impurities come upon you? They are not at all befitting a man who knows the progressive values of life. They lead not to higher planets but to infamy.
2. “O son of Partha, do not yield to this degrading impotence. It does not become you. Give up such petty weakness of heart and arise, O chastiser of the enemy!”
When Arjuna prefers to be killed unarmed and unresisting rather than fight and kill his cousins Kauravas, Krishna replies to Arjun by saying how this impure thought has come to you which prevents you from entering heaven. Give up this degrading Impotence and weakness of heart and arise, O defeater of enemy.
Krishna further says in
Bhagvad Gita Chapter 2 verse 31-33
31. “Considering your specific duty as a Kshatriya, you should know that there is no better engagement for you than fighting on religious principles, so there is no need for hesitation.”
32. “O Partha, happy are the Kshatriya to whom such fighting opportunities come unsought, opening for them the door of the heavenly planets”.
33. “If however, you do not fight this religious war, then you will certainly incur sin, for neglecting your duties, and thus loose your reputation as a fighter”.
If on the basis of above if I say that Krishna was teaching to Fight with faithless relatives then that will be totally wrong but on the other hands he was teaching to Fight with Persecutor and don't treat them as relatives..
And The same things is there in Islam. The Word Islam means Peace. We not only speak that there should be peace but also we have the mechanism how to maintain peace.
But Let me see your View about the verse of Manusmriti
Where Killing of Women, atheist, etc. are Minor offence.
Manusmriti Chapter 10:67. Stealing grain, base metals, or cattle, intercourse with women who drink spirituous liquor, slaying women, Sudras, Vaisyas, or Kshatriyas, and atheism, (are all) minor offences, causing loss of caste (Upapataka).
Thanking you
Dear Mr Gupta,
Its very much possible, that among all such congratulatory comments, this comment of mine will go unseen and unheeded.
I wont reveal my name, call me Equinox, if you want to, because in names, people search for religion. I am not a Muslim, neither do I claim to be a Hindu, and I dont know law, neither history(who knows, how many versions of it floats. There is the version of the victor, there is another version of a foreign correspondent, indignation filled stores of the vanquished, you get the idea).
But I know one thing, the force of free markets, the power of economics. If you ask me, this entire quagmire got blown out of its proportions due to the farce of a government, the lethargy of a judiciary and the pent up frustration of the huge Indian masses.
Make no mistake, Mr Gupta, we Indians are a nation of shopkeepers, "baniyas". If we cant make a profit each day, we dont get a good night sleep, and all of this was stifled by a comatose party of faithful Nehruvian Economics.
It would be matured enough if people who think its Hindu victory shut their mouth up, take a magnanimous stand, and concentrate on building enterprises. It would be grand enough for Muslims who think they have "lost", to shut themselves up and concentrate on building enterprises first and their communities second.
India is a nation of 1billion people. 70's and 80's were the golden age of US(while on the contrary we were in our modern Dark Age). At that time population of US was around 300million, and they had almost all of the Fortune 100 in their country.
Now, India being a nation of 3x that size, have got 9x the problems which can only be solved if every family in our country has got an enterprise-builder, an entrepreneur in them.
Simple theory. But it requires guts to stop fighting for handouts like Ram Lalla and Babri Masjid.
Good Luck
Shah Alam,
You are a shameless liar.
exhibit A:
"31. “Considering your specific duty as a Kshatriya, you should know that there is no better engagement for you than fighting on religious principles, so there is no need for hesitation.”
Here you translated "fighting for Dharma" as fighting for "Fighting on religious priniciples" .
You thought you'd get away with this?
Rest of your rantings about Koran are pure Taquiyya.
You still did not answer why
(i) any one should believe your prophet??
There is no evidence to prove that Muhammad had a straight line to god. Why do you belive in Islam?
More over Angel Gabriel failed Muhammad at a crucial times like it failed to warn Muhammad about the poisoned food. Eventually prophet succummed to the poisoned food. Nor did the angel relieve the physical pain your prophet was suffering.
Kanchanda we Need people like you in West Bengal..
Ekhankar lokera BJPr naam shunlei Shamprodayik dol bole.
Pioneer Kolkata Edition baar kora chesta korun..
Amader abar Noakhali/Bangaldesh Hindu Genocide/Direct action day moton ghotona face kortey hote pare
Apnara jodi Bangla nie ektu beshi lekhalikhi koren toh bhalo hoi.
next yr election er jonno BJP ke ekhane eshe promote korar chesta korun
Shubho Bijoya
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